You already know how
Bread & Cie makes the world's most fabulous cappuccino, but have I told you about their granola? It's divine! Honestly. I think whoever invented it was inspired by none other than the Holy Spirit. Now I know you're thinking "Kristin, you are supposed to be on some extremely healthy shed-a few-pounds eating plan - granola isn't exactly health food." I KNOW, I KNOW, but you see, my coach is very kind and allows me to have a special Bread & Cie granola and yogurt breakfast once a week. And let me tell you, I can't wait for this week's!
I am not sure what all they put in here, but I know it includes cranberries, oats, almonds, and a handful of corn pops - what a treat! Get it in the fruit and yogurt parfait, and there's a little protein to start your morning off on the right foot.
If you are feeling more along the 1000 calorie breakfast lines, may I suggest the chocolate croissant with a cappuccino? One sugar in the raw, one Splenda. You'll be in Heaven. For the next few months, my Heaven looks an awful lot like the photograph above. Yum.
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