Iced Tea, Addiction and Real Friends

Although I would never call myself a health nut, I try to be nutritious and stay away from the addictive and/or strange substances that inhabit so much of the edible side of American culture. Corn syrup of various kinds, imitation sugar, olean (which is far too similar to my middle name), red dye no. 5 - you get the point. Yet every time I hear an advertisement or see a menu with "fresh brewed iced tea" listed, I can't help myself!

I know the physical effect caffeine has on my body. Ask anyone who has worked or lived with me and you will hear horror stories. I don't know what it is that draws me in. Despite all of the emotional ups and downs, the frequent trips to the restroom and the inevitable nausea that ensues, I still drink it!

This week I sunk to a new low. I did not realize that I had stooped to this level until my co-worker and friend Bronson (who was also generous enough to take these desperate photographs) said to me "Kristin, you have hit an all time low."

Pathetic. I don't mean to be an all about me pity party here, but really - McDonald's on the way to work for an iced tea? Images from those shows where they crane-lift people out of their bedrooms because they can't move and all you see on the floor is cans of diet coke are dancing through my little head.

And so, with one swift comment, Bronson proved his true friendship to me and I will never drive through McDonald's before 8 a.m. again.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

In 100% honesty, I drive through Mc Donalds EVERY SINGLE day at 7:00 am on the way to work and get a super-size diet coke. EVERY day.
Will you put a hold on a crane rental for me?