I have a Le Creuset! A beautiful piece of red enameled cast iron, ready to prepare 6 3/4 quarts worth of deliciousness, used for generations of French cooking is now all mine!
The week before Easter I flew to Vegas for a conference, and then from there headed to Maryland to spend time with the fam. Great times were had by all, including an experience with Ethiopian food, which is generally one of my favorite foods, that I don't wish to repeat. I woke up at 4 a.m. on Easter Sunday to catch a flight home, and after stopping for burritos at JV's (this is, quite simply, what you have to do when you've just landed in San Diego) was excited to be back at my house.
I started to walk to our room to unpack myself when I saw it. There, basking in its French glory was the most beautiful Orange box I have ever laid eyes on. It was an Easter miracle!
Now, over one month since I received this lovely and thoughtful gift, and I have yet to use it. Determined to make something luscious and tender, for the inaugural use I am leaning toward short ribs. I have a few recipes, and looked up quite a few more on foodnetwork.com but I want to be sure I have the best recipe out there. Any suggestions? If short ribs aren't your thing, what have you made in your Le Creuset that is worthy of a crown? Do share!
Is it a dutch oven like the picture? Actually, the best thing I have ever made in my dutch oven is homemade bread. With the lid on, it has the perfect mix of moisture and humidity for a perfect loaf of bread. I'll send you the recipe.
What is the world is this thing? I have no idea what to cook in it. Too bad my mom or grandma couldn't tell you. They used these kind of dishes all the time!!
GIRL! It is totally worth it! I agree with the first comment, bread is a great thing to make in it. You know I don't know how to make short ribs, but soups and whole chickens are good to make in it too. Besides, even if you can't find something great to make in it - it sure does look good!
If you find some good recipes, send them my way...then I'll have to wait to get a cast iron of my own to TRY the recipe. I must admit, I'm a little jealous. This has been on my wish list for a while now. I think I need a bigger kitchen! :)
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