This is a story about walking, eating raw things, car crashes, and murder. Children, be ware.
Once upon a time in a beautiful city called San Diego, there was a fun-loving couple who enjoyed food. For this couple, eating dinner at restaurants was a fun and special treat, as they were trying to stick to a not so fun-loving budget. On top of food and eating out, this couple enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and experiencing new foods with said groups of people.
One sunny Sunday afternoon, after the Chargers had been stomped on once again, the fun-loving couple decided it was a good night for sushi. Wanting to spend time with people they loved, they thought it would be a great idea to invite the husband's parents to come along. Slightly nervous at the thought of sushi, but eager to spend time out on the town with their youngest child and favorite daughter in law, the parents said "YES! We would love to!"
Now the fun-loving young wife had heard of a great new cupcake shop in the downtown area and was eager to try it out. It was decided that the two couples would drive downtown together, stop by the cupcake shop to pick up dessert to go, and then get sushi at a lovely, inexpensive spot in Hillcrest called Sushi Deli.
As they drove downtown, getting closer and closer to the cupcake shop, the anticipation was rising. Too excited to contain herself, the fun-loving young wife hopped out of the car while the rest of the crew found parking. She ran up to the cupcake shop, threw open the door, breathed in the sweet smells of chocolate and vanilla, and noticed there were no cupcakes sitting out. The friendly shop owner informed the fun-loving young wife that they had just ran out and were closing up for the day. NOOOOO! The fun-loving young wife's heart broke just a tiny bit, but it was ok because at least she had sushi to look forward to.
On they drove until they reached Sushi Deli. The group decided to park about a block away, as there were plenty of spots there and not many right in front of the restaurant. They then proceeded to the front door and put their name on the list, anxious to eat as they were all very hungry. 20 minutes passed and nothing... they noticed there were a lot of people standing around who had been there even longer than they had. Inquiring as to how long each different group had been waiting to be seated, they learned the wait was going to be an hour. Too hungry to be able to wrap their minds around standing on the streets of Hillcrest for an hour, the fun-loving young couple and their fun-loving parents/in-laws thought it best to walk down the street to find a new place to eat.
Down, down, down they went - and nothing was found other than a super cute Italian place that was significantly out of their price range but should still be visited at some point. So back up, up, up the hill the two couples walked, passing by Sushi Deli on the way only to notice the wait had now been increased by 10 minutes, so they were no closer to being seated than they had originally been. Down, down, down the other side of the street the two couples walked. They passed a moderately priced Chinese restaurant but decided that was not the way to go tonight. They walked back toward Sushi Deli, passing Jack In The Box and debating Jumbo Jack's and Ultimate Cheeseburgers for dinner as that was sounding mighty fine at this point in the evening. When they reached Sushi Deli for the third time, their name was next on the list.
"It's a miracle!" the two fun-loving couples exclaimed. Truth be told, it was no miracle, they had simply been walking for an hour instead of waiting in line for an hour. Excited at the realization that they would be eating sushi after all, the couples ordered a handful of rolls, a noodle dish, miso soup, and plum wine. And by 'the couples' I mean the fun-loving young wife. The rest just looked on and trusted her judgement. Good call since she was very hungry and not to be messed with.
Dinner was delicious and oh so fun. A new experience for the in laws/parents and a great time for the fun-loving young couple. Arm in arm and laughing, the foursome left Sushi Deli and noticed a policeman circling their car. Being extremely strong and manly, the two husbands ran ahead to see what the problem was. "Your car was hit by a drunk driver." stated the police-man. "He was driving erratically, ran the red light, smacked into your car, and kept driving. Some good citizens noticed what was going on and followed him back to his residence, calling the police on their drive. We now have this man in custody, and it looks like the only damage done was to the back left side of the car."
Crazy! The car was hit, the sushi was still settling, the policeman had victoriously captured an evil law breaker, and they hadn't even decided on dessert yet. Energized from the adrenaline rush, the two couples decided they needed to go somewhere fun and new for dessert, too. "Extraordinary Desserts it is!" they laughed as they hopped into the slightly bent up but still working car and headed a few blocks away.
Tea, coffee, chocolate deliciousness and a berry crostada topped with meringue were all these four needed to end the night right. Oh, and a story about the crazy guy that killed a man a couple of years ago at Extraordinary Desserts.
I told you there was murder in this story.
and "One
Crazy Night" provided a plethera of fun memories! Laughed our way through this: brilliant!
With love from fun-loving MOM!
I like the Sourdough Jack.
I like you.
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