This weekend, like many of the past days of my life (cue Soap Opera music) was filled to the brim with things to do. Run over 11 miles? Done. (Had to take the opportunity to brag about the power of my legs... pardon my ego.) Haircut? Why of course. Co-host an awesome party? Check. Drive to LA for the brother in law's housewarming and bratwurst? Ok this list is getting ridiculous, it's time to start talking in sentences. At any rate, the weekend was busy, and another reminder of how necessary boundaries are in my life.
I talk about boundaries and saying 'no' a lot. The idea of 'no' actually being a 'yes' to the bigger things in your life is powerful to me. Limiting the things we commit and agree to, taking time to be who we are and become who we want to be, not letting others' disappointment or pressure change our mind or decision making process - these are all such freeing concepts. And isn't that what it's all about in the end? Freedom? It's what our country was built on, what all great relationships consist of, how individuals become who they were created to be, and the most amazing thing God has to offer us. Despite this I continue to say 'yes' to everyone and everything and 'no' to growth within myself. We're getting a little deep for a food blog, I know. Take a sip of wine and continue with me...
All of the things I did this weekend were good things. Some of them were things that were saying yes to the deeper commitments and freedoms I want. Some were not. I got home last night, exhausted and sore, and realized that I had not made a real dinner at home in over 2 weeks. I had not planned a menu and been excited about the courses and the blending of flavors I was creating, I hadn't taken a Saturday to go to my favorite grocery stores, make my sister the killer brownies I've been wanting to send her, and then have a few friends over to share in their lives and cook for them, since Valentine's Day!
It's March, which will mark the official start of Spring here in San Diego. I have a big trip coming up next week that I'm super excited about. I have a big race at the end of the month that I want to do well at. I have vegetables getting soggy in my refrigerator because I haven't been home long enough to create something out of them. This month I will dream up new menus. This month I will run faster. This month I will say no even more than I have been. This month is going to be awesome. I may unintentionally hurt a few feelings, but I'm welcoming the freedom and fun March will bring.
sausagemaking.org? What?
I love it when you rant about freedom!
I think you should come visit too! And every time I eat Ritz, I think about you as I get to the last 2 and realize I've eaten an entire sleeve of crackers.
Greg and I should practice that more. I have been forced to due to the credential program, but I'm sure all bets will be off as soon as it's over. LoL.
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