The first 'new' pasta experience I had was several weeks ago when we were hanging out at the Cheesecake Factory late at night with a group of friends. Someone decided to order fried macaroni and cheese, so of course when it came the rest of us wanted to try it. Originally thinking this would be disgusting and I would promptly spit it out of my mouth, I started with a very small bite. The night ended with 3 more orders of fried mac and cheese being devoured at our table. My goal now is to make my own fried mac and cheese, blog to come immediately following the attempt.

The second 'new' pasta experience happened because my friend Blair and I had lunch together at a place called Divine Pastabilities here in San Diego. I had heard of this place, but never thought of going there. I was missing out. The hot item is a "torpasta" which is, as the picture (courtesy of shows, a roll of fresh bread hollowed out and stuffed with pasta. This sounds particularly heavy, but tastes splendid. They cook their pasta perfectly, their sauces are fresh, fragrant and tasty, and there's something magical about eating pasta without a fork or knife.
Enjoy! I'm off to listen to my latest obsession - The Jonas Brothers. Wrong on so many levels, I know.
Hey we invented the Torpasta back in elementary school. On hot lunch spaghetti days we would beg our mom for the buck-25 it would cost, say "hot" when our name was called during roll and enter the cafeteria prepared for the culinary delight that awaited us. We'd tear off the end of the cold white bread roll, dig out the soft middle, little chunk by little chunk and then cram as much speghetti in there as we could before taking those lushes bites. We giggled at our ingenuity. Man, who knew we could make money on it?!
Stuffing carbohydrates into more carbohydrates? Genius. Just genius. Fried macaroni and cheese is also pretty amazing, though I had to draw the line at the restaurant when my tablemates dipped theirs in ketchup.
I love it. It sounds absolutely wonderful! I look forward to seeing the Torpasta on the menu the next time we visit! :D
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