I'm A Winner!

My favorite food blogger, Adam Roberts of The Amateur Gourmet, recently started a fun online show for the Food Network called "The FN Dish". From mildly to highly amusing, The FN Dish speaks (and sings) to foodies around the world about all sorts of topics, most of them Food Network or Food Network star related. Note for Andy - one episode includes an interview with Anthony Bourdain. Check it out. Now.

Now that I've plugged an already popular site, it's time for the real excitement. I WON an awesome cookbook (well, I think it's awesome, I haven't received it yet so I'm not sure) from the Food Network's FN Dish by writing song lyrics about grilling. Can you believe it?? My lyrics were selected from thousands (or a couple dozen) of entries. Seriously, I am totally impressed and still in awe of my mad writing skiiilzz.

Here, for your reading pleasure, are the winning lyrics:

"Light and healthy, fresh and fun
How do I know when this fish is done?
Gently lift with a spatula, hoping not to spill...
Half my dinner is still on the grill!"


Anonymous said...

That is great!! What's the tune to your wonderful little song. I expect great meals every night when I visit.

dfollett76 said...

Whoa! That's great. I can totally relate too. I got one of those fish cage things for the grill now.