(photos courtesy of the lovely iPhone - hence their darkness)
Saturday morning I ran really far. Like farther than most humans should ever run. The run itself was great, but I don't think I drank enough water and I also didn't chew on enough of my Clif blocks (I refuse to goo - ick) so what happened after my run was kind of inevitable. I crashed.
For those of you that know the inner workings of Kristin, you know that once the Kristin brain starts convincing itself there is an ish, it's impossible to revert back to health. Paranoia and anxiety take over, I am convinced I am going to vomit for days and days, and Glenn is forced to dance the 'slap her back into reality/show her sympathy cause she doesn't feel good' marimba. Oh it's cute. After a 30 minute nap and some gatorade I was able to swallow a few Ritz, including one with more peanut butter on it than I've ever seen. Are you ready for this? It totally helped! I wasn't even sick! I just needed some food and water! NO WAY.
While I was laying on the couch convincing myself I would be horribly ill, Glenn also had to call my lovely sister Corrie and tell her I would not be making it to the lunch date we had planned in my current state. Being the supportive and understanding sister she is, Corrie was cool with this and told me to just call her when I feel better. Around 2:30pm I am feeling better and Glenn was at work, so I called Corrie and we decided to grab a light/very late lunch and run errands together. I drive to Golden Hill, talk to Corrie about her New York trip since I'm going this weekend, and we walk down the street to Krakatoa.
This place is so fun! It is the ultimate hippie hang out and they have a great variety of sandwiches and salads to choose from, as well as many unique coffees and teas. I opted for the blood orange iced tea and a turkey sandwich with sharp cheddar and dijon. Krakatoa serves their home made potato salad with all sandwiches, and I thought I could really taste each ingredient. Maybe it was just that I hadn't eaten all day. They use red potatoes instead of white and have a light dill and black pepper taste. Mmm.

My favorite thing about Krakatoa was the patio - it had an old school Hawaii vibe and reminds me of something that should be in the Coco Palms when they finally rebuild it. The turkey sandwich was excellent, as well - fresh turkey, super sharp cheddar, heated roll, and of course excellent potato salad.
Next time you are in Golden Hill (ok, next time you want to go to a new restaurant - who hangs out in Golden Hill?) check out my new friends at Krakatoa! If you're lucky you will even be offered a hand painted cigarette box by one of the locals!
Krakatoa: 1128 25th Street. San Diego. CA. 92101. 619.230.0272
UM... rude... Golden Hill is totally a cool hangout spot.... most people that hang out there stay there though... kinda like OB. Look at me getting all gangstar defensive about my hood. GH!!
I just left a shout out for you on my friends (very popular blog) because she was asking for "food blogs" that we like to read...so I left your address in the comment section! Read it here:
that iced tea looks like it is about 2 liters...i think it is just the perspective but still..HA!
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